What Do You Think of the New Look of My Blog?

It’s been a couple weeks, and my friend Sherman Hu is wrapping up the tiniest of details on the re-design of my blog.

Please give me feedback below, so that I can get Sherman to fix it (wink).

We’re also working on adding video to the blog as well. I’ve been working on this for a couple of weeks now, I have to confess, it has not been easy. I’m still working on my fear of public speaking and video recording. I am told that I just have to practice and be myself. Seriously, you may not want me to be myself (only slightly kidding).

Anyway, if any of you are thinking of doing video marketing, check out Sherman Hu. He’s great, always encouraging, and fun to work with.

By: Shirley Tan

2 Responses to What Do You Think of the New Look of My Blog?


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