Today Was My Last Day at

Well, its about 12.07 am PST, so technically, it was yesterday that was my last day, and I can’t sleep.

I’m not quite sure how to feel about leaving the company I founded. I know that it’s in good hands with the new Director of Ecommerce, Cassie T., but I can’t help feeling nostalgic about leaving my baby behind. Last year, I sold to, and I knew that someday I would have to leave it, but I didn’t realize that the year would go by so fast.

Intellectually I know it’s not a baby, it’s a business, and businesses get created and eventually sold. There were so many times that I actually imagined this day would come, and I thought that I would be thrilled. Don’t get me wrong — I am actually happy that I now have the opportunity for a new chapter in my life, new adventures in the business world, and a chance to rest and relax, which I have been looking forward to and needing for a very, very long time (Don’t we all need some time off?!).

I want to thank all my family, friends and business colleagues who have supported and worked with me tirelessly over the years (since 1985), who never got impatient with my endless barrage of questions (asked 5 different ways — only sometimes), and who always shared their knowledge, experiences and wisdom. To all of you, I am deeply grateful.

Not so fast Mister/Mam… we’re all still so young and there are still so many rocks left unturned, unscrutinized and undiscovered. I look forward to so many more encounters with you all.

Again, thank you for putting up with me.



By: Shirley Tan

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