Donate To The American Redcross and Get a FREE 1 Hour Website Usability Review
With the recent devastation on the Eastern coast caused by Hurricane Sandy, I am offering a free 1 to 1.5 hour website usability review for ecommerce webstores. This offer is good for the first 10 websites owners who donate at least $50.00 Please send a copy of your donation receipt to with the link to your ecommerce store. This offer ends Novembe r 15 or when the first 10 websites are submitted.
You will receive screen shots of your website and comments on areas that you’re following best practice and comments on areas that you can improve your conversion and/or areas that you can test to improve conversion.
This is a $400.00 value. Please donate generously to the as the need is great and our friends and neighbors on the east coast could really use the help.
Thank you so much for your help.
By: Shirley Tan