About Shirley Tan

Founder : Yes Again Marketing – Marketing Consultant
Founder of AmericanBridal.com

Shirley Tan, an early e-commerce pioneer, boasts over two decades of expertise in retail, wholesale, and e-commerce leadership. She has successfully built and sold two companies: Rumors Inc. and, most recently, AmericanBridal.com, which she sold to The Knot [NASDAQ: XOXO], the premier media company dedicated to weddings.

Shirley is also the accomplished author of the book “Ecom Hell, How to grow your ecommerce business without getting burned” a testament to her deep understanding of the e-commerce landscape. She is a frequent speaker at e-commerce conferences and trade shows, sharing her insights. Her e-commerce expertise extends to her blog, https://www.yesagainmarketing.com, where she provides valuable guidance.

As an e-commerce expert with hands-on experience in managing all facets of online retail marketing, Ms. Tan provides consultation services to small and mid-sized e-commerce businesses to help them expand. She advises small businesses on adopting strategies used by larger organizations and guides them through the process of selling a business.

Shirley’s diverse background includes successful ventures such as selling on Amazon and orchestrating a highly successful product launch on Kickstarter. She has also excelled in product development and sourcing from China, further enhancing her reputation as a seasoned e-commerce professional.

Throughout her career, Shirley has also held positions at prominent companies such as Yahoo, Verizon, Oracle NetSuite, and Anaplan. She holds a B.S. in International Business from Golden Gate University in San Francisco.

Check out the 90+ recommendations on Linkedin, here are some examples of what past clients and colleagues say about working with Shirley (add here)

  • View Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shirleytan
  • Shirley Tan is a certified Duct Tape Marketing Consultant
  • Shirley Tan is a certified business coach by PBCA -Professional Business Coaches Alliance


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